OCTOBER 24, 2002
to sir henry: i've checked the site just now (12:15 am) and found that the welcome page still isnt working due to the web page address problem. i also checked the other pages, they seem to be ok. i've fixed the problem with the welcome page, and is ok now.
OCTOBER 17, 2002
The journal is now up and running with most of the articles already in. Teachers who wish to grade articles, please download the appropriate paper in the Feature article page or in the Environmental Issues page.
Students of Biology 160, please upload the remaining articles by Friday morning (October 18, 2002).
OCTOBER 7, 2002
Bio 160 students go to Authors page to find out how to contribute. I expect to see your papers here by the last week of October. The journal is divided into three main sections. Click-over for more information:
Feature Papers Research Articles Environmental Issues If you are interested in contributing, visit the Authors page. Authors The journal is administered by a core group of people. Just go to the Staff page if you wish to meet them. Staff Looking for back issues? Archives |